How often do we consider the lives of modern goat shepherds? It seems like a throwback to some distant path, yet, Ezzat and Abla Maged with the help of young Syrian shepherds have made a life and successful business making Ambarees cheese. Days are long but the rhythm of life is perfect.
- Release: 2016
- Duration: 12:30 min
- Country: Lebanon,
- Language(s): Arabic
- Subtitles: English
Serdeleh, Ambarees ‘Siredeleh’ or ‘ambarees’ is not a rennet-coagulated cheese, but rather fermented raw goat milk. It is produced in the Bekaa Valley in eastern central Lebanon where it is called ‘ambaress’ and in the western central Shouf area where it is called serdeleh.
Meet Ezzat and Abla Maged who have dedicated their lives to making this delicious cheese in Niha, Shouf.
Produced by: Barbara Abdeni Massaad of Slow Food Beirut
Directed by: Mark Abouzeid
Audio: Roni Abi Phram
Still Photographer: Lucia Abouzeid
Date of release: Sept 2016
Language: Arabic / English Sub-titles: English
Produced by: Slow Food Beirut (